Trace Event

Customized events

Trace Verte organizes your corporate seminars

Trace Verte takes care of the complete organization of your seminars:

  • Meeting room reservation.
  • Transportation arrangements: booking train or plane tickets, transfers from airport to hotel, station to company.
  • Coaching and management training.
  • Proposal and organization of team building or incentive activities.


A company seminar:
what’s in it for me?

80% of the events offered by companies to their employees are seminars.

Company seminars are unusual in that they take place in an unusual setting, and combine meetings with team-building or incentive activities. It can last a day, a weekend, or even several days in a row.

It’s up to you to determine the objectives of your seminar:

  • Train or coach your employees.
  • Stimulate, motivate and unite your teams.
  • Promote the integration of newcomers into the company.
  • Convene management meetings to make important decisions.

team building

Why team building?

Creating or strengthening team cohesion is the main purpose of team building activities.

Under the guise of relaxation and fun, Team Building activities perform strategic functions:

  • Strengthening team bonds
  • Modify team organization
  • Integrating new employees
  • Defusing conflicts…

Trace Verte guides you…

It’s essential to qualify your needs and targets beforehand, so you can choose the right activities.

Trace Verte will help you choose the activities that best meet your needs, adapting them to your target audience and creating a customized program.
The possibilities are endless. Team building can be practised :

  • On company premises or in any other location
  • Indoors or outdoors
  • At a seminar or other event
  • Over one or more days, half-days or evenings
Examples of activities

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